Want to host a party, but you don't make much time, or the space to have a home party? Well with Scentsy you can host a super
easy online party!!! All you would do is go
THIS FORM to Schedule your party, and then I take it from there!!
I will then take your information and make you a unique link for your party which you can then send to all your friends and family! Alot of my customers make a Facebook invite and invite people that way, and then I am able to ask any questions guests may have before ordering!

This month is a awesome month to host a party!!! Why? Because its double DOUBLE 1/2 price month!! Take a look at our Host Rewards chart below!! So if you had a party that brought in $400, you would earn 6 half price items [...and getting $400 isn't very hard to do!!], but when having a average party you will get 2 halfs!! Not to bad!! This goes along with the host credits you'd be getting too!... a $400 party you'd get $60 in credits to use on anything in our catalog [excluding Lic. items, Closeouts and anything with a * next to it]. I will also help you at the end when you place your order so that you get the most for your money!!
Most people host a 2 week party, but you can do whatever you want... just remember the party has to be closed and your order placed by the last day of January to take part of the double half price deal!
It is also Bring Back My Bar [BBMB] month... if you had a favorite bar that Scentsy retired, it may be back -- check it out HERE!
I will also let you know your totals as we go along, just so you have a idea of how many credits and halfs you'll be getting!!
Please let me know if you are interested in hosting!! I'd be more than happy to set a party up for you!!